The Only Comparison That Matters
You’ve probably heard the phrase, “Comparison is the thief of joy.”
I may not have the exact wording right, but the message couldn’t be more true.
When we constantly measure ourselves against others, we lose sight of what’s right in front of us.
During some of my hardest moments of anxiety and panic, I found myself stuck in this cycle of comparison. I analyzed coworkers, friends, family—even strangers on the street. They all seemed to navigate life with such ease, while I felt like I was barely keeping my head above water. I envied them. I resented my struggles.
And that only fueled my anxiety even more.
The truth is, comparison only slowed my progress. Sure, from the outside, their lives appeared perfectly put together. Maybe they never had to battle the overwhelming sensation of a panic attack in the middle of a grocery store. Maybe they never had to summon every ounce of energy just to put on a pair of pants and face the day.
They might not understand that reality—but you do.
You know your journey. You know the battles you’ve fought and the progress you’ve made, no matter how small it may seem.
Growth isn’t always loud or obvious, but it’s there.
Acknowledge it. Embrace it.
Instead of comparing yourself to others, compare yourself to the person you used to be. Recognize how far you’ve come, and focus on where you want to go.
The next time those thoughts creep in, trying to pull you into the downward spiral of comparison, remind yourself: The only person you need to measure yourself against is your past self. And as long as you’re moving forward—even if it’s just one small step—you’re winning.